Time and Attendance Systems

Time & Attendance Software

With satisfied customers in Cape Town to Johanneburg, and throughout Africa, Blake Consultants installs and implements only the best time-and-attendance software, able to meet our customer’s diverse needs requirements.

From 5 to 10 000+ employees, our satisfied customers know which supplier to contact if they want the best time and attendance systems and software for their business: Blake Consultants.

Our software enables you to benefit from accurate calculations and record keeping of your employees’ work hours and absenteeism. Our custom report creator and secure SQL database allow for easy and swift day-to-day management of all time and attendance information.

With our sophisticated rule-engine and customisable formula, virtually any shift requirements and calculations can be catered for.

Our time and attendance software also includes access control functionality, making access control through turnstiles and doors possible for certain employees at certain times. Access Control reports enable you to monitor movements through our your premises.

The Leading Expert in Time & Attendance and Access Control

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  • Unlimited number of employees and customizable fields
  • Quick search function using name, employee number
  • Bulk import for easy installation
  • Bulk export of details and fingerprints
  • Advance grouping of employees


  • Late arrival, early departure and short-time calculations
  • Easily add any type of manual adjustment
  • Bulk adjustments for any employee or group of employees

Time Calculations

  • Unlimited time categories available (normal time, OT1, OT2, short time etc)
  • OT1 can be configured to first fill up normal time easily
  • Full or partial overtime authorisation is possible
  • Caters for afternoon and night allowances
  • Online exception reporting makes finding and adjusting variances easy and fast


  • Unlimited shift rules per employee or group/department
  • Any and all break types, paid and unpaid
  • Daily and periodic rule calculations
  • Bonus times e.g. public holidays and taxi fare
  • Automatic shift allocations (shift sensing)
  • No need for dedicated “IN” and “OUT” readers
  • Bulk shift and paygroup changes possible


  • Automatic import of clockings
  • Rounding of clockings and time categories e.g. rounding per 15 minutes
  • Integration into all major hardware platforms, including Sagem, Suprema, Virdi, ZK fingerprint readers
  • Integration into all major access control vendors software and database
  • Able to ignore duplicate clockings
  • Bulk addition of clockings possible for group/departmenf
  • Add,delete or modify any clocking


  • Multiple users can all work concurrently in our T&A software
  • User groups (certain software users can only do certain functions or see certain employees)

Payroll Integration

  • Easy integration into your chosen payroll system
  • Recommended by VIP

Pay Groups

  • Multiple pay gorups (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly etc)
  • Custom formulae and rules applied to totals
  • Flexi-time (balance brought forward, current adn time carried forward)


  • Built in report creator (create your own reports)
  • Daily and period totals displayed in hh:mm or decimal
  • Export to Excel, PDF or auto-generate and email
  • Limit certain users to certain reports

The Best Time and Attendance Software available

  • Developed in South Africa
  • Daily backups can be scheduled
  • Full audit trail
  • Caters for all public holidays
  • Import clockings from almost any platform
  • Export into any payroll system, excel or PDF